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Bernstrom & Partners

Leading advisor for

Social infrastructure


An independent real estate advisory firm and a market leading adviser for social infrastructure and forward funding

Bernstrom & Partners is a partnership founded in August 2014 and we serve as a financial adviser for Swedish property related transactions. By combining our aggregated experience, our analytical expertise and our in-depth knowledge of the property market, we advise on property transactions and are a leading adviser for social infrastructure and projects structured as forward funding.

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Bernstrom & Partners grundades i augusti 2014 och har med ett mindre sammansvetsat team varit med och genomfört ett stort antal transaktioner i Norden sedan 2014. Vi har gedigen kunskap om fastigheter och är särskilt aktiva inom segmentet samhällsfastigheter. Sedan 2017 har vi rankats som den ledande rådgivaren av både Fastighetsvärlden och Datscha inom just samhällsegmentet.


Transaktioner, i form av nybyggnadsprojekt som struktureras som forward funding, har vi även särskild stor erfarenhet av. Forward funding är en attraktiv transaktionsform förutsatt att det finns goda förutsättningar för köpare och säljare att samarbeta under projekttiden. Vid förvärv genom forward funding tillträder köparen fastigheten i ett tidigt projektskede och säljaren förbinder sig att färdigställa byggnaden på fastigheten senast vid en viss överenskommen tidpunkt. Köparen finansierar byggnationen och köpeskillingen erläggs i delar allteftersom byggnaden färdigställs.

Service areas

Our focus is on property deals – nothing else


Our work is to initiate, structure, coordinate and execute property related deals. We advise our clients through all stages of a property deal, from strategic and structuring issues through execution, due diligence, negotiation and closing. Since August 2014, Bernstrom & Partners has advised on deals worth over SEK 10 billion in total.

Property transactions

Financial advice for property sales and acquisitions.

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We advise clients for sales and acquisitions of property, property portfolios and property companies. We are a leading adviser for social infrastructure as well as forward funding deals. Our project management is always handled by a senior advisor committed to and involved in all steps of the transaction.

Shared ownership investments

Bernstrom & Partners assist in joint venture business arrangements to pool resources for a property acquisition inter alia.

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We advise clients in business arrangements in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for accomplishing a specific task. This task can be acquiring an individual property or property portfolio.

Property related finance

Bernstrom & Partners advise clients in equity capital raisings for property acquisitions or projects. We also have considerable experience of deals structured as a forward funding.

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We advise clients in equity capital raisings, from strategic and structuring issues through due diligence, negotiations, signing and financing arrangements. In forward funding we advise clients in funding construction costs.


Property deals signed Bernstrom & Partners


Since August 2014, we have advised on deals worth over SEK 40 billion in total. We have close connections to property investors and institutions looking for investment opportunities in Sweden.


Transactions and board


Bernstrom & Partners is an independent advisory firm, 100 percent owned by its active partners. Our focus is on property deals, nothing else.

Johan Bernström
Contact details

+46 (0)708 86 22 00


Fredrik Östberg
Contact details

+46 (0)766 27 91 00


Sandra Svartling
Contact details

+46 (0)735 06 48 01


Jonas Horttana
Contact details

+46 (0)720 11 55 44



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